- Are you making connections between course topics and Service Learning?
I am able to apply many concepts discussed in class during y service learning. Some of these include approaches to those that learn differently or those that are learning English as a second language. I have seen both of the teachers I am working with make efforts to accommodate each of the different learning styles and abilities of the students in their class.
- Have you been able to articulate your own learning and understanding?
Yes, I have been able to make connections and even connect with students more effectively as a result of this course. I have found a great joy in the things I have learned.
- Is the process of blogging helping you to think and notice things in your Service Learning?
Blogging has helped me put into words some of the most important things I have learned. I look up to both of the teachers I am working with and I am glad that I will have this blog to look back on and help guide me in my career.
- In what areas do you see growth or learning from the first blog post to the last?
I see that I have a much more accurate and more broad view of what it means to be a teacher. I understand and am aware of challenges and methods I may otherwise have missed out on. Doing this blog has pushed me to think more critically about the role of a teacher and the possible future career choices I might make based on the things I have learned. Essentially I have a more applicable and relevant view of what teachers really do and all of the many roles they fill. It is a big job and when looking back over the blog posts I realize it is also a complex role that teachers have and they are truly in a position to make a difference and that is very inspiring.
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